Problem: You are given a binary matrix M of size (n,m) composed only of 0 and 1.
This matrix represents a map where 1 is the land and 0 is the sea. Each 1 (=land) is connected to other 1s (=land) only vertically and horizontally (i.e. not diagonally). In this exercise, M can be assumed to be a numpy array.
You can switch only one 0 into a 1 so that your map has the biggest island possible given M. Write an efficient algorithm that finds the location of this 0 to switch and returns the size of the biggest island.
The solution described below has a time complexity of O(mn).
import numpy as np
from itertools import combinations
def find_biggest_island(M):
islands = find_islands(M)
biggest_island = max(len(i) for i in islands.values())
land_to_island = create_land_to_island(islands)
for i in range(M.shape[0]):
for j in range(M.shape[1]):
if M[i,j] == 0:
new_island_size = potential_new_island(M, i, j, land_to_island, islands)
if new_island_size > biggest_island:
biggest_island = new_island_size
return biggest_island
def find_islands(M):
Take the matrix M as input and returns a list of islands
An island is defined as a list of tuples (i,j) which are the
list of 1 that are "connected" vertically or horizontally
Returns a dictionary of int -> List[(i,j)]
visited = M.copy()
islands = {}
island_number = 0
for i in range(visited.shape[0]):
for j in range(visited.shape[1]):
if visited[i,j] == 1:
island = bfs(M,i,j)
islands[island_number] = island
island_number += 1
for u,v in island:
visited[u,v] = 0
return islands
def bfs(M, i, j):
Breadth First Search algorithm implementation on a binary matrix
start_loc = (i,j)
Returns an island = list of tuples
if M[i, j] == 0:
return []
visited = set([(i,j)])
queue = [(i,j)]
while len(queue) > 0:
x, y = queue.pop(0)
neighbors = neighboring_land(M, x, y)
for neighbor in neighbors:
if neighbor not in visited:
return list(visited)
def neighboring_land(M, i, j):
Returns the list of connected land from a location
m, n = M.shape
neighboring_lands = []
if i > 0 and M[i-1,j] == 1:
if i < m - 1 and M[i+1,j] == 1:
if j > 0 and M[i,j-1] == 1:
if j < n - 1 and M[i,j+1] == 1:
return neighboring_lands
def create_land_to_island(islands):
Creates a dictionary of (i,j) -> int (=island size the land belongs to)
land_to_island = {}
for i in islands:
lands = islands[i]
for land in lands:
land_to_island[land] = i
return land_to_island
def potential_new_island(M, i, j, land_to_island, islands):
neighbors = neighboring_land(M, i, j)
if len(neighbors) == 0:
new_island_size = 0
elif len(neighbors) == 1:
neighbor_island = land_to_island[neighbors[0]]
new_island_size = 1 + len(islands[neighbor_island])
new_island_size = 0
for comb in combinations(neighbors, 2):
neighbor1 = comb[0]
neighbor2 = comb[1]
neighbor_island1 = land_to_island[neighbor1]
neighbor_island2 = land_to_island[neighbor2]
if neighbor_island1 != neighbor_island2:
potential_island_size = 1 + len(islands[neighbor_island1]) + len(islands[neighbor_island2])
potential_island_size = 1 + len(islands[neighbor_island1])
if potential_island_size > new_island_size:
new_island_size = potential_island_size
return new_island_size
M = np.array([[0,0,1],
answer = 6