Matplotlib offers different plotting styles out of the box, which you can visualize here. You can also find out which styles are available to you by running It will return a list of styles you can use and then set the one you want by running'tableau-colorblind10').

But what if you would like to create your own Matlplotlib style?

Custom matplotlib style

To create your own Matplotlib style, create a file with a .mplstyle file containing your favorite settings. For a list of all the settings available, see this link.
Below is my signature matplotlib style, saved as signature.mplstyle:

# signature.mplstyle

figure.figsize : 12, 6

xtick.labelsize: 13
ytick.labelsize: 13

legend.fontsize: 15
#legend.loc: upper left

### AXES
axes.grid: True
axes.titlesize: 15
axes.labelsize: 15
axes.prop_cycle: cycler('color', ['8da0cb','fc8d62','ffd92f','66c2a5','e78ac3','a6d854','e5c494','b3b3b3'])

# Other nice options for the color cycle:
# Seaborn: ['f77189','dc8932','ae9d31','77ab31','33b07a','36ada4','38a9c5','6e9bf4','cc7af4','f565cc']
# MATLAB: ['0072BE','DA5319','EEB420','7E2f8E','77AD30','4DBEEF','A3142E']
# Dark 2: ['1B9E77','D95F02','7570B3','E7298A','66A61E','E6AB02','A6761D','666666']
# Set 1: ['e41a1c','377eb8','4daf4a','984ea3','ff7f00','ffff33','a65628','f781bf']
# Set 2: ['66c2a5','fc8d62','8da0cb','e78ac3','a6d854','ffd92f','e5c494','b3b3b3']
# Set 2 (re-ordered): ['8da0cb','fc8d62','ffd92f','66c2a5','e78ac3','a6d854','e5c494','b3b3b3']
# Set 3: ['8dd3c7','ffffb3','bebada','fb8072','80b1d3','fdb462','b3de69','fccde5','d9d9d9','bc80bd','ccebc5','ffed6f']

Now when you open a Python notebook, start with the following lines:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt'../signature.mplstyle') # replace path to your own mplstyle file